Friday, March 20, 2009

A women turning coucous on a foyer ameloire or improved cookstove at a cooking competition in Douroum
Me and a nurse at the health center posing in front of an alter during women's day.
A classroom at the public school in Mandama (they sometimes have up 60 students in a class)
Two girls pumping water at the pump near my house.  Hard work, I tried it once.


Mademoiselle said...

i love your writing.
every visit to your blog i say, Kauleen tell me a story.

Steve said...


I was just surfing on your blog and thought I should introduce myself. I am steve, I am an engineer currently working in yaounde Cameroon. I graduated in the USA before going back home over 7 years ago. I see you are in Cameroon as well, What do you do and I hope you are enjoying the country.

Yours sincerely,

Steve T.